2017年12月14日 星期四
Christmas Vocabulary PART 1
In this video lesson, we're going to introduce you some Christmas vocabulary!
- 1 on 1 Chinese class in Hsinchu city
- small group Chinese class (2-4people) in Hsinchu city
- Online Skype Chinese lesson wherever you are
Please feel free to contact me here at
smartmandarinchinese@gmail.com (Katrina Lee)
2017年12月7日 星期四
Chinese Character Classification 1
Chinese Character Classification 1
All Chinese
characters are logograms, but several different
types can be identified, based on the manner in which they are formed or
derived. There are a handful which derive from pictographs (象形 pinyin: xiàngxíng) and a number which
are ideographic (指事 zhǐshì) in origin, including
compound ideographs (會意 huìyì), but the vast majority
originated as phono-semantic compounds (形聲 xíngshēng). The other categories in
the traditional system of classification are rebus
or phonetic loan characters (假借 jiǎjiè) and "derivative
cognates" (轉注 zhuǎn zhù). Modern scholars have
proposed various revised systems, rejecting some of the traditional categories.
(象形 xiàng xíng,
"form imitation")
characters are pictograms (象形 xiàng
xíng, "form imitation") — drawings of the objects they represent. These are generally
among the oldest characters.
Ideograms (指事 zhǐ shì, "indication")
deograms (指事 zhǐ shì,
"indication") express an abstract idea through an iconic form,
including iconic modification of pictographic characters. In the examples
below, low numerals are represented by the appropriate number of strokes,
directions by an iconic indication above and below a line, and the parts of a
tree by marking the appropriate part of a pictogram of a tree.
一 |
二 |
三 |
上 |
下 |
本 |
末 |
本 běn "root"
- a tree (木 mù) with the base
indicated by an extra stroke.
末 mò "apex"
- the reverse of 本 (běn), a tree with the
top highlighted by an extra stroke.
Compound ideographs
(會意 huì
yì, "joined meaning")
Compound ideographs (會意 huì
yì, "joined meaning"), are compounds of two or more pictographic
or ideographic characters to suggest the meaning of the word to be represented.
Characters commonly explained as compound ideographs include:
"truthful", formed from 人
"person" (later reduced to 亻) and 言 "speech"
林 lín "grove",
composed of two trees
森 sēn "forest",
composed of three trees
休 xiū "shade,
rest", depicting a man by a tree
Jiajie (假借 jiǎjiè, "borrowing; making use of")
Jiajie (假借 jiǎjiè, "borrowing;
making use of") are
characters that are "borrowed" to write another homophonous or
near-homophonous morpheme.
For example,
the character 來 was
originally a pictogram of a wheat plant and meant "wheat". As
this was pronounced similarly to the Old Chinese word lai "to
come", 來 was
also used to write this verb. Eventually the more common usage, the verb
"to come", became established as the default reading of the character
來, and a
new character 麥 was
devised for "wheat". (The modern pronunciations are lái and mài.)
When a character is used as a rebus this way, it is called a jiajiezi 假借字 (lit.
"loaned and borrowed character")
Dear students,
We organized some information about Chinese characters to help you have more understanding of our characters. ;)
** Information from Wikipedia.
Katrina Lee
About Chinese Characters
About Chinese Characters
Chinese characters In Standard Chinese, they are called hanzi (simplified
Chinese: 汉字; traditional Chinese: 漢字, lit "Han
characters"). They have been adapted to write a number of
other languages, including Japanese, Korean,
and Vietnamese.
In Old
Chinese (and Classical Chinese, which is based on it), most words were
monosyllabic and there was a close correspondence between characters and words.
In modern Chinese (esp. Mandarin Chinese), characters do not necessarily
correspond to words; indeed the majority of
Chinese words today consist of two or more characters.
Modern Chinese has many homophones;
thus the same spoken syllable may be represented by many characters, depending
on meaning. A single character may also have a range of meanings, or sometimes
quite distinct meanings; occasionally these correspond to different
Chinese characters
represent words of the language using several strategies. A few characters,
including some of the most commonly used, were originally pictograms, which depicted the
objects denoted, or ideograms, in which meaning was
expressed iconically. The
vast majority were written using the rebus principle, in which a character for a similarly sounding word was either
simply borrowed or (more commonly) extended with a disambiguating semantic
marker to form a phono-semantic compound character. The traditional six-fold classification (liùshū 六书 / 六書 "six writings") was first described by the scholar 許慎Xu Shen in the postrace of
his dictionary 說文解字Shuowen Jiezi in
100 AD.
Dear students,
We organized some information about Chinese characters to help you have more understanding of our characters. ;)
** Information from Wikipedia.
Katrina Lee
2017年12月6日 星期三
Chinese Measure Words Practice
In this video lesson, we're going to practice and review the measure words of Mandarin with you!!
If you don't know what is measure word, then we suggest you check out our previous videos before watching this one!
Measure Words in Chinese
How to use measure words
And if you are interested in having a lesson with us, please contact us here at
smartmandarinchinese@gmail.com (Katrina Lee)
Our Mandarin Courses
- Online video & audio lessons
- Skype lesson
2017年12月4日 星期一
How to Study a New Foreign Language
In this video, I'm using my own experience of learning a foreign language to share you how to learn/study Mandarin more effectively by using online video lessons and resources!
It will save you a tons of money and you can keep your schedule flexible at the same time! ;)
If you are interested in having online lessons with us :)
SMART Mandarin Chinese Lessons

- Skype Chinese lesson
- Online audio & video lessons
- 1 on 1 & small group Chinese lesson in Hsinchu city
Contact :
smartmandarinchinese@gmail.com (Katrina Lee)
How to Study a New Foreign Language
In this video, I'm using my own experience of learning a foreign language to share you how to learn/study Mandarin more effectively by using online video lessons and resources!
It will save you a tons of money and you can keep your schedule flexible at the same time! ;)
If you are interested in having online lessons with us :)
SMART Mandarin Chinese Lessons

- Skype Chinese lesson
- Online audio & video lessons
- 1 on 1 & small group Chinese lesson in Hsinchu city
Contact :
smartmandarinchinese@gmail.com (Katrina Lee)
2017年12月1日 星期五
A Good Idea to Improve Your Chinese Speaking with Online Lessons!
A Good Idea to Improve Your Chinese Lpeaking with Online Lessons
Do you sometimes feel don’t know what to do
or how to improve your pronunciation and speaking in Mandarin especially when
you are studying with online material alone?
Are you trying to watch some video lessons
online, study with textbooks but still wonder if your Chinese speaking,
pronunciation and listening have improved?
Is there ever a solution to these problems?
Aside from looking for a language exchange partner,
which you can do it of course, there’s another way that we can provide to help!
If you are learning from our audio &
video lessons, you can send us a recording of you practicing Chinese, let us
listen to your pronunciation, structures and everything then we’ll send you an
audio file as our feedback to correct your mistakes in Mandarin! ;)
Here’s our email which you can send us your
recording : smartmandarinchinese@gmial.com
(Katrina Lee)
Also, we’ll send you “homework” from time
to time, then you can follow our homework instructions to improve.
Now, are you ready to begin your journey of
studying with us?
Hope to see you in class soon! ;)
SMART Mandarin
Katrina Lee
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