2020年8月26日 星期三

Speak Chinese with Your Girlfriend's Parents

Do you want to know how to impress your partner's parents in Mandarin or what to say in Mandarin when you're meeting the Asian parents for the first time? Check out our newest video lesson! 🙂

2020年8月2日 星期日

I’ve seen enough of this….

I’ve seen enough of this….

Yes, as the title says “ I’ve seen ENOUGH of this..”
During the past 10 years of my teaching life, people have been asking me “I want to learn Chinese, can you help me?”, “What’s your WeChat? I want to connect with you?”, “I love your video lessons, help me learn Chinese, please!”, “love your videos, please translate this in Mandarin for me.”…etc.

I really didn’t expect to see so many irresponsible students online before I decided to become an online Mandarin teacher. Now it’s been 10 years…I really have to say something…

Why do people want to help you if you don’t appreciate it?
Why do people want to help you if you don’t do your own diligent first?

Why do people want to give their personal WeChat to spend their valuable time to practice Chinese with you? (I’m not even from China! I don’t have WeChat!!)
Why do you think it’s okay to ask a professional teacher to teach you for free without even getting a “thank you”?

I’ve 400+ online video lessons on my YouTube channel which is free of change, live event which gives extra help to my audience- FREE of charge!
And numbers of podcast episodes on Spotify & Apple Podcast.

It’s way much more enough for self-study students to learn and do their work in order to improve their Mandarin, right?

Speaking of my free lessons…
I’ve just uploaded some new podcast episodes on Spotify and Apple Podcast.

Just search SMART Mandarin, you’ll be able to find my work!
Podcast Episodes- How to Ask Favor in Mandarin

Listening Comprehension Improvise

How to say “sold out” in Mandarin

Btw…I also have a live event on our Facebook group “SMART Mandarin Support Community” and our Facebook page.
Daily Conversation LIVE with SMART Mandarin

And old live training
Vocabulary Training for Beginners


Start doing your own diligent as a responsible student to improve your Mandarin NOW! 

SMART Mandarin

2020年7月6日 星期一

Do you know what's ㄅㄆㄇㄈ? | Part 1

Do you know what's ㄅㄆㄇㄈ? | Part 1

Hey guys,

Today we're going to talk about ㄅㄆㄇㄈ.
You might not have seen those signs before, it's NOT Japanese, because this letter is coming from SMART "Mandarin"..haha...

This ㄅㄆㄇㄈ.symbol is called 注音(Zhuyin), it's a pronunciation systems that is used in Taiwan. It helps us to pronounce Mandarin Chinese.

You might be wondering...    What about Pinyin!!??
Yes, Pinyin is also a pronunciation system that helps native speakers from China to pronounce Mandarin Chinese.

So to sum up, Zhuyin注音 is used in Taiwan, and Pinyin拼音 is sued in China. Most foreigners are learning Pinyin, because it's more convenient and more friendly, especially for foreigners from western countries who's using English alphabet based languages.  

Why do you need to learn Zhuyin注音?

The point is...why do you need to know
Zhuyin or why do you need to learn Zhuyin???

Well...you don't need to if you've already learned Pinyin and also can pronounce Chinese properly.  But if you intend to come to Taiwan for work or live in Taiwan, then you definitely need to know Zhuyin 注音, because it's on our keyboard and mobile and everywhere when we need to type Chinese characters!!

This is a screenshot of the 注音(Zhuyin) keyboard in Taiwan.

This is a photo of my computer keyboard with English alphabet in Taiwan.

So it's quite necessary to know 注音(Zhuyin) if you want to find a job or live in Taiwan.  And there are also a number of advantages of learning Zhuyin than Pinyin, such as, Zhuyin signs come from the components of Chinese characters, so learning Zhuyin will give you a good start and foundation of learning Chinese characters in the future which we'll discuss it in the next article.

The either way, as long as you don't have the problem with pronunciation system and can pronounce Mandarin properly, it doesn't matter which system you're using or choosing to learn.

But as a Mandarin teacher, it's my job to tell you the full knowledge of learning Mandarin Chinese!

Psss:  If you are interested to learn Zhuyin注音 + Pinyin two systems and want to start learning the pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese. You can click the link and join the waitlist for our Pronunciation MasterClass to be the FIRST to know when the program is ready!


That's all for now!
I'll see you in the next one

SMART Mandarin
Katrina Lee

2020年6月21日 星期日

Learn more, SAVE more Today!

Hey there!

Just let you know that we've changed our package now.
We're putting all our courses (level 1-3) into a FULL package course for students taking you from an absolute beginner to a lower-intermediate student!
Original Price Level 1-3 Full Course : 640 USD Up
 NOW ONLY for 499USD 
Learn more, SAVE more Today!
This package is offered only for a 
limited period of time

All SMART Mandarin Courses Offer
  1. Life-time access
  2. Full refund within 30 days of purchase
  3. Monthly Zoom call with Katrina Lee
  4. Free Bonus course
  5. Free eBook
  6. Member’s Only Facebook community
  7. Questions get answered in 48 hours
  8. Students’ ONLY Live Q&A section
  9. Study Partner plan to keep you consistent

                               Join NOW

2020年5月13日 星期三

What's The Difference Between 不 Bu and 沒 Mei in Mandarin

Do you also have the same question?

What's the difference between 不 bu and 沒 mei??

Check out this video to find out!

2020年3月15日 星期日

Coronavirus Vocabulary in Mandarin | SMART Mandarin

Coronavirus Vocabulary in Mandarin | SMART Mandarin
In this lesson, we're going to talk about some important vocabulary about Coronavirus, the anti-virus products in Mandarin, some preventative measures on the Coronavirus in Mandarin Chinese

2020年2月26日 星期三

Airport Mandarin Part 2

Check out the new YouTube video lesson :)

Airport Mandarin 2

SMART Mandarin - Katrina Lee​

2020年1月16日 星期四

Useful Chinese Phrases for Beginners 2020 Part 2������

Useful Chinese Phrases for Beginners 2020 Part 2 😀📚🤓
In this video, we're continuing talking about useful Chinese phrases for beginners.