2015年7月7日 星期二

Giving Red Envelope / Going to a Wedding in Taiwan! How Much is Enough? Learning Chinese About Taiwan !! SMART Mandarin

If you go to a wedding in Taiwan, you need to give a red envelope with money inside as a gift to the newlyweds.

But how much should you put in the red envelope is IMPORTANT!

The money in the red envelope should be equivalent to a nice gift that would be given at a Western wedding. And it should be enough money to cover the guest’s expense at the wedding. 

There are few things you need to take as considerations or references when deciding how much you should put in the envelope.

1. Your relationship with the newlyweds- the close your relationship with the newlyweds, the more money you should give as a gift.

2. The restaurant - usually the fancier it is, the more money you should put in your envelope

3. Always avoid odd numbers and unfortunately number
number 4 is pronounced similar to "die" in Mandarin, which you should avoid that, also odd numbers such as , 3 5 7 9 need to be avoided as well 

(Watch our video lessons for the detailed explanation)

In Taiwan, typical amounts on money are: 

一千兩百塊錢  yīqiān liǎng bǎi kuài qián (NTD 1200)

一千六百塊錢  yīqiān liǎng bǎi kuài qián  (NTD 1600)

兩千兩百塊錢 liǎng qiān liǎng bǎi kuài qián  (NTD 2200)

兩千六百塊錢 liǎng qiān liùbǎi kuài qián  (NTD 2600)

